DFA-Mid County presents: A FREE virtual conference for individuals living with dementia and family caregivers. About this event Please join DFA Mid-County for a FREE virtual conference for individuals living with dementia and family caregivers to include break out...
There are always questions on what can be done to help our loved ones with their health and personal care. While it is always a process with lots of “ifs” and “ors,” there are concrete things that we can think about to ensure the best possible...
What is a Caregiver? Caregivers are essential participants in our society that provide services to look after another person who can no longer look after themselves due to illness, trauma, or old age. If you find yourself providing services as a caregiver, whether...
Respite and Renewal for Older Family Caregivers Road Scholar, the nation’s largest educational travel institution for older adults, offers a unique respite opportunity for unpaid family caregivers to take part in a Road Scholar educational travel program. The Road...